
Blog Tour Day #3

Edited again: It’s up! Thanks for working late, Patty (who is in Australia!). Here’s the link again.

Edited to add: There’s a minor glitch Patty and I are working. Hopefully, the post will be up over there soon. Stand by!

The fun continues over at Patty Jansen’s blog, where I talk about some of the research I did for my novel. Shipbuilder is fiction, even more, it’s alternate history, but it’s about real people and a real event. There were parts that needed to be historically accurate. Go on over and read about it.

But first, a word about the availability of the book on Amazon. It takes Amazon about a week to get the print version online. So if you search on Amazon.com, you’ll only find the Kindle version. For the next few days, if you want the paperback, you have to buy it from my Amazon estore, here. There’s no difference in price or anything, and you’re still buying it from Amazon. I don’t pretend to understand it all. Who know the ways of the great and powerful…?

Here’s a bit about Patty:

Patty Jansen is a writer of hard Science Fiction and daft fantasy. She blogs at http://pattyjansen.wordpress.com/, about writing, about science and about editing and slush piles, and about her own books. Patty is a member of the Science Fiction Writers of America and winner of the second 2010 quarter of the Writers of the Future Contest and has published in the Universe Annex of the Grantville Gazette and Redstone SF. Some of this material is available on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Patty-Jansen/e/B004MKHXT0/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1 ) and Smashwords (http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/pattyjansen ), where you will also find novels.