The Time Travel Journals: Bridgebuilders

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The second universe is doing fine.
But how is the first one faring?

When Sam Altair went back in time to 1906, he created a second universe, one with its own alternate future. In this universe, humans surpass the technology of the first, so that by 1980, their world is cleaner, more free, and less populated than the original.

In the alternate universe, a second Sam Altair is born in 1946. As he carries on the original Sam’s work, young Sam discovers how to build a bridge back to the first universe. In 1980, he prepares to make the trip, along with his partner, Sarah Andrews.

In the first timeline, the year is 2080, and Sam and Sarah find a planet that is reeling under the effects of advanced climate change, its human population decimated by famines, wars, and pandemics. The few billion who remain are hanging on by the threads of religious law and totalitarian regimes.

Taken prisoner by a powerful cartel, Sam and Sarah escape with two young scientists who are on the run from a death sentence. They hope to find an elusive rebel army and offer their assistance in return for protection.

The price is steep, for the rebels are facing a bloody attack that might destroy their organization for good, and trap Sam and Sarah in this universe forever.

And Sam’s bridges have just made them the most wanted people on the planet.

Read the first chapter…

10 thoughts on “The Time Travel Journals: Bridgebuilders”

  1. I reviewed your first, and still intend to get to this one. But I’ve got 5 books in progress, and am reading “Anna Karenina”, so it may be a while! Cheers, Don

  2. I just finished The Shipbuilder. Being an amateur writer I’m amazed at the patience and determination folks like you have when writing anything historical. You obviously did a lot of research because while there’s a lot of fiction here there’s a lot of factual too. Thanks for your dedication to your craft while also recognizing the need to remain close to history. I’m from the south. My wife is from Los Angeles. But her father was Cajun and her mom was from the south. Her dad rarely spoke about his family. She even had an aunt that her dad spoke to while she was growing up but my wife didn’t find out about until she was 24. We’ve started putting pieces of his life back together as he grew up in New Orleans. It’s really fascinating. The process has made me want to absorb all I can about the city and we travel there often. So much happens over long periods of time. But we now can peruse and absorb big events in short periods of time catching the highlights. It was very cool to love in Belfast for a few weeks in the early 1900s through your book. Looking forward to reading the next one.

  3. Thank you so much for your comment. I hope you are able to continue your New Orleans adventure. It really is fascinating to walk streets we know through an ancestor. I experienced something like that when I went to Belfast. It was simply amazing to see what Thomas Andrews saw.

  4. I was going to ask you if you had visited there and sort of assumed that you had. Reading Bridgebuilders. So much fun, really. Thanks for writing back! I’m turning all my book friends on to this series through FB. I hope you get a lot of orders.

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